Digital Marketing & Social Media Management

Does your business have Facebook?

What about Instagram? Twitter? YouTube? Social media is a tool, much like a website, that can be utilized to broaden your potential reach. It is available to customers 24/7 and can provide valuable information about your business (contact information, location, reviews, etc.) in a place they are already looking! Because of this, it is important that your online presence (social media and digital advertising) reflect the look and feel of your business.

Case Study : Ladies Lift Here

How did a small company in a tiny niche market attract national media coverage for it's events and athletes?

Good branding, of course! Plus effective social media interaction and building a receptive audience for email marketing.

Don’t think you need Social Media?

Think again!

While social media may seem like a daunting task, it has never been more important to connect with your current and potential clients on the personal level that these platforms provide.

Perhaps the two most compelling arguments to engage on social media platforms are:

2) Your competition is using it!

You will find customers you didn’t know existed, and they will find you. You will be able to instantly connect with your audience, and get their feedback immediately.

Most importantly, your social media pages need to look and feel like your business. Their imagery needs to clearly communicate your goals and values.

Contact Hearth Creative today to discuss how your online presence is affecting your business!

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There’s Facebook and…

There are other social media platforms that may serve your business, here are just a few of them!

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Google Plus
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Youtube
  • Yelp
  • Vimeo
  • Flickr
  • Tumblr
  • Reddit
  • Dribbble
  • MySpace
  • Angie’s List

Digital Marketing Offerings

Digital Marketing goes beyond social media. It is about building an audicene through online advertising, marketing funnels, landing pages, eblast campaigns, and more. Hearth can help with your digital marketing needs from advertising to copywriting. Contact us now!

Get Started Today!

Hearth Creative is confident we can help you will all of your design needs. Whether you have existing work that needs updated, or need a brand new logo, website or advertising campaign – we are here!

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We are so excited to hear about your next big idea and can't wait to help you execute it! Let us know what you're thinking and how we can work with you!

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